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Abstracts, together with information about the preferred type of presentation (oral, poster, symposium, workshop, software demonstration) must be submitted electronically either
- by typing the text in the Abstract Submission Form or
- by e-mail (doc-file or rtf-file) to Professor Wolfgang Bilsky -
Abstract Submission Deadline is January 30, 2005
Individual Papers and Poster Presentations
Abstracts of 250 words related to FT Conference topics are invited.
Full Paper Submission
Upon acceptance of the abstract, participants will be asked to submit a camera ready version of their paper (up to 10 pages). It should be submitted by April 15, 2005 for publication in the Conference Proceedings. The Proceedings will be printed before the conference, and participants will receive a copy upon their registration in Rome. Details regarding the format of the paper will be sent along with the letter acknowledging its acceptance by January 31, 2005 .
Colleagues interested in organizing a symposium are invited to submit a 250 words abstract characterizing the symposium and, in addition, one abstract per paper supposed to be presented in this symposium (abstracts are supposed to be submitted collectively by the respective organizer).
Workshops and Software Demonstrations
Those colleagues interested in organizing a workshop or software demonstration should submit a 250 words abstract characterizing the workshop or software demonstration.