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Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the Tenth International Facet Theory Conference, which will take place at the FRENTANI Congress Centre in the city of Rome, Italy, July 10 to 13, 2005.
Facet Theory (FT) is a systematic and integrative approach to coordinating theory and research. As a design tool it includes experimental design and sample construction as special cases. Thus, FT comprises the universe of observations, the population of respondents, and the range of observations. It stratifies these universes by facets, and integrates the design into a mapping sentence which guides item construction and formulation of hypotheses. Finally, particular multivariate data analysis methods (such as SSA, POSAC, MSA) have been developed to test these hypotheses.
Facet Theory has been successfully applied to a large number of research areas where it helped to discover and refine empirical laws. This, in turn, has been instrumental in developing the principles and methods of FT.
Because of its systematic and taxonomic features, FT also proved to be a didactically useful tool for teaching methods.
The aims of the FT conference are:
David Cairns President FTA | Dov Elizur Organizing Committee Chair | Wolfgang Bilsky Program Committee Chair |