y-BIS (Young Statisticians)

Download Prize for best paper by Young Statistician

y-BIS, the ISBIS Young Statisticians group, will have a number of activities at ISBIS-2010.

  • On Monday July 5, 2010, there will be a half-day developmental workshop specifically focused on the needs of Young Statisticians. For details see y-BIS Workshop.

  • y-BIS is organising a number of Invited Paper sessions in the scientific program

  • a Best Paper award for papers presented by y-BIS members has been instituted, sponsored by NISS and the American Statistical Association, and valued at $US 1000. More information about this can be found by downloading the document using the link at the left. To be eligible for the Best Paper award, you must be a member of y-BIS. You can join y-BIS by downloading and completing the form at www.isbis.org/doc/individual_application_formFeb2010.pdf

  • There will be a social function for Young Statisticians

y-BIS Workshop

For details see y-BIS Workshop